“Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord…” (James 5:7).

Perhaps you’ve uttered the prayer: “Lord, give me patience; and I want it right now!”

It comes from the Greek word MAKROTHUMIA. It’s a compound word. MAKROS – meaning “long” or “far” and THUMOS – meaning “anger.” You’ve heard of the expression “short-tempered” – patience could very well be described as being “long-tempered.”

The New Testament Christians that James was writing to were under tremendous pressure. Not only were they facing persecution for claiming name of Christ; but in their impatience, they were also tempted to compromise God’s Word. James says, “Be patient!” How long? “…unto the coming of the Lord.”

These threescore and ten plus years we have on this planet are so short compared to the vastness of eternity. Do we have trials? Yes. Is there persecution? Yes. Are their heartaches? Yes. Is there suffering? Yes – but only for a season.

The reason why James mentions the Second Coming is because patience can never be learned apart from hope. Paul says in Titus 2:13, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.”

Perhaps you’ve heard the true story of Hachi, the faithful dog who waited every day at the train station for his master’s return. One day his master didn’t return, but that didn’t stop Hachi from making that same trip day after day hoping to see his master. The dog didn’t realize his master would never return; we know for certain ours will!

Definition of patience: “Accepting a difficult situation from the Lord without giving Him a deadline to remove it.”
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Practical Ways to demonstrate Patience:
• Thanking God for each trial knowing that He is working through it to build in me the character of Jesus Christ
• Serving others as unto the Lord even though there is no apparent gratitude or recognition for my service
• Allowing God the freedom to work rather than attempting to change people and situations in my own strength
• Viewing my family as those whom the Lord has brought into my life to teach me character
• Avoiding criticizing others realizing that God is patient with me and my own shortcomings

Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries

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