“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he… (Proverbs 23:7).

Some say that it doesn’t matter what you believe, just so long as you live right. I have a problem with that because what you believe determines how you live. If your belief system is wrong not only will it affect how you live your life but it will also have implications all the way into eternity.

If you believe that we are the product of evolutionary chance then issues like abortion and euthanasia will be of little or no concern. The ultimate conclusion of this belief system is that we are a sophisticated mammal slightly more advanced than our close relatives in the animal kingdom and have no more rights on planet earth than a fruit fly. Since there is no creator that we are responsible to and no moral absolutes to guide our behavior, everything is relative. It is therefore justifiable to steal, lie, cheat and kill as determined by our own individual set of circumstances. This is the thought process that directs our post modern culture.

If on the other hand you believe that we are created in the image of God and that we will one day stand before Him and have to give an account for every word, deed, thought, attitude and motive – that will make an incredible impact upon how you live your life. This is what the “fear of the Lord” is all about – the awareness that He is always watching and that everything we do and say and think is open before Him and will one day be judged by Him.

What we really believe in our hearts is reflected in our attitudes and in our behavior. Which begs the question, “Why then do we as Christians behave in a way inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture?” It’s because at that moment we have accepted and believed a lie.

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Perhaps you need to make a “truth adjustment” as you begin your day. Reject the lies of the enemy and submit yourself to be governed – not by emotions or expedience – but by the authority and truth of God’s Word.

Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries

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